Monday, May 4, 2015

Little Something About The Contest

Psst hey guys. I really shouldn't be posting this now, but I really feel like I need to address some things about the current contest going on (read the post prior to this one to understand).

Okay so....:

1. When it's due (May 17th). There's a reason why I decided to host this contest and end this contest at the specific times. If you're newish/never knew me THAT long, here's a tad bit of info about me. My birthday is May 22nd (hence the numbers 522 in my AJ username), and May 17th is a date that is fairly close to the 22nd. So what I'm trying to say is that your art entries for the contest can serve as your birthday gifts to me. (You can give me more/other gifts though, haha.) So that's another lame suggestion from me on why you should enter the contest.   Like yeah, I know not everyone will receive 1st place in the contest, but I believe all your entries will end up beautiful and can be confidently said that your entries to be my birthday gifts. ♡

2. I've been thinking about it, and I think that I will give out 2nd and 3rd prizes still. I didn't say what I said last time to be selfish or anything. It's just that I honestly don't like the idea that EVERY contestant receives a prize (there's got to be winners and losers- right?). But now I'm thinking of giving out 2nd and 3rd prizes even if less than 6 people officially enter the contest. (Like 4 or 5 or something.)

3. It is NOT required that you read all the story chapters or anything like that. (Yes it's recommended of course, but it's not required.) Just create artwork revolving around the 2 foxes you see on the main blog's header. And besides, based on how much I type about them on my main blog posts, you should know at least a little about them. XD

4. I know I've brought so much confusion about what I meant. Okay so. I am allowing you to be able to use effects to create your drawing. Like if whatever program you're using to create your entry has some specific effects built into your program/bought extra with the program, than you CAN use those. For example, if you're drawing program has different featured paintbrushes built in the program, then you can use those.) The only reason I brought this up in the first place is I think it's a bit unfair that digital drawing entries can get so many effects for their art, meanwhile traditional artwork can't. You can also switch from different painting programs you have to make your entry the best it can possibly be. For example, if you use Paint Tool Sai to draw your entry and not too many fancy effects and stuff PhotoShop to color in your entry, that's also allowed. As long as it's done on a drawing program, it is allowed. Just don't have your finished drawing and then cover it up with many effects that you didn't make yourself/don't come with you drawing programs (example is PicMonkey and similar sites).

Well, I hope this cleared up any confusion about the contest. But if you still are unsure about anything relating to the contest, then please comment any further questions in the comments below. ^-^

Man, it's late.... Sorry in advance if there are any typos or anything like that in this post. I don't have time right now to find them and fix them, at the moment.

So yeah. Good night! (Or whatever it is for you when you read this.)



  1. Okay, I know there are a lot of words in this post. But please read the entire post. Thank you.

  2. Thanks, this was super-duper helpful. ^.^ And I can't wait for your birthday!! :O

  3. *casually puts your BDay in calendar*

  4. So ... my entry so far ALSO has Dawn in it, along with Twinkle, Duke, and Firedan. Is that okay?

  5. GAH,I haven't even started X0
    *Goes on Firealpaca and starts..WAIT.I forgot da music XD*
    *Starts Casually*

    1. Go work on it, you sweggster youuu

      Haha, I always need music when I'm drawing (well, for long periods at a time) too. XD

  6. Didn't this end? When will the winners be announced?
